søndag 20. oktober 2013

Sleeping nude - discarded

Chalks on toned paper. 
I discarded this one.
I really wasn't happy with how she turned out.

søndag 13. oktober 2013

White isn't just white anymore II

Visited my new favorite store in Bergen last week, and got myself one of these sketch books. Yeah, I know, I own at least 20 sketch books, but this one was oh so cool. 24 pages, 3 assorted whites. Paper isn't just paper. White isn't just white. I loooove the warm feel of these papers. They are so pretty with my chalks. And speaking of chalks, I only own a few colors. I need more!

White isn't just white anymore...

Close to two weeks with pneumonia, has driven me up the walls with boredom, and I finally got to clean up my space. Found a lot of equipment I'd forgot about.... I need to do more drawing. I need to do more blogging... Sorry about my laziness, folks! Things will get better now. I have more time in the winter.